Family-Owned Business Transformation

I have been intentionally keeping my nose out of your dealings with Beth.   Your decision, both sides mean too much to me to interfere so I am sitting neutral…. with that said she was just here and I wanted to tell you a bit about it.   Beth has always listened and given great guidance when needed, this was the first time we had continuous, focus time to solve the world’s problems and mine/ours… We/I have an amazing life: love, friends, family, home, biz, service, adventures, travel, intellectual pursuits, ….. but also have my share of struggles.   And those struggles were looping and keeping me (us) stuck and not getting to move into all that I have been dreaming, wanting, enjoying,… Beth worked with us individually and then together.   We worked on our communications, our day to day existence, our happiness, our businesses,… Honestly, I feel like a new person!  I have clarity, I am happy, my dreams are emerging, I am (fill in the blank with the good stuff) ____________ And since she has left a few repeat patterns had reappeared to test us (as they do) but they did not take hold the same way 1. The mindset was different 2. We had tools to use AND 3. We have Beth on-call/speed dial to hold us accountable to all our new agreements… I have done my fair share of personal development.   Always leaving with a plan and super jazzed.   Then I get back to life…   Beth brings the chance to make it stick and get to the root, which is always what blows it up.   A personal development coach that understands business and the licensed therapist that knits all the relationship/personal stuff together that is focused on you is very unique and I think one of the few ways that have the impact I know I am looking for AND need. Honestly, I am trying to work out how to get her here in person more often and pretty much pay her a salary that is the type of impact she has had on me/us.  She worked with us individually, together, our teams, our projects, our future, and our lives.    Next focused time will be on our ‘life book – future creations’, we needed to do the other first and now we are ready!
Dr Beth
I have been intentionally keeping my nose out of your dealings with Beth.   Your decision, both sides mean too much to me to interfere so I am sitting neutral…. with that said she was just here and I wanted to tell you a bit about it.