Work With Me Packages
I offer one-on-one and group programs.
If you need financial assistance, be sure to check with your Insurance company to see if you qualify under their plan for mental health and family
Purchase a one-on-one session with Dr Beth for only $597 (save $500)!
and get the Parenting 911 course special
VIP Pack for $3,597
Eight 50-minute or sixteen 25-minute one-on-one sessions with Dr Beth for preventative or crisis management purposes. Includes one month free of “Dr Beth’s Power Hour” when you sign up for a Power Hour packages. $197 for four Power Hour live sessions. $297 for four Power Hour live sessions and recordings. $497 for four Power Hour live sessions, recordings and a monthly one-on-one session with Dr Beth.
Parenting 911 @ $97
Pay for 11 Months and get 1 Month FREE
Click on Monthly to get Monthly Price OR Click on Yearly to get Yearly Price
- Jump Start Session with DrBeth (30 Minutes)
- Ask DrBeth Power Hour Coaching Calls – Every Tuesday at 12 PST and 2nd and 4th Tuesday 6 PM PST (60 Minutes)
- Embracing Defiance 52-Week Audio Course (applies to business – new book coming)
- Find Your Parenting Story
- Parenting Quiz
- Exclusive Private Double Dog Dare Challange Facebook Group
- Access to Membership – All Power Hour Video Recordings (400+ included)
- 10 Keys To Compassion Study Course
- Buy Now!
- All Calls, Sessions and Resources in Silver Plus the Following:
- Video Archive
- Two (2) Monthly Private One-on-Ones with DrBeth
- Unlimited Email/messenger/text Access to Dr beth (response within 72 hours or sooner)
- One Quarterly Parenting 911 Call (This call can be used outside scheduled times)
- Access to Special Live Events
- Buy Now!
- All Calls, Sessions and Resources in Silver & Gold Plus the Following:
- Entire Own Your Story Program
- Two(2) Monthly Private One-on-Ones
- Access to Special Live Events (Lifetime Access)
- Unlimited Email/Messenger/Text Access to Teenologist Team (response within 24 hours)
- Monthly Parenting 911 Calls with Dr Beth
- Monthly Parenting Hero Support Group Call
- Quarterly Parenting Hero Trainer Group Call
- Monthly Teen Power Trainer Group Call
- Annual Parenting Parent Teen Mix-It-Up Event
- Parenting Accountability Buddy (optional)
- Buy Now!
- Jump Start Session with DrBeth (30 Minutes)
- Ask DrBeth Power Hour Coaching Calls – Every Tuesday at 12 PST and 2nd and 4th Tuesday 6 PM PST (60 Minutes)
- Embracing Defiance 52-Week Audio Course (applies to business – new book coming)
- Find Your Parenting Story
- Parenting Quiz
- Exclusive Private Double Dog Dare Challange Facebook Group
- Access to Membership – All Power Hour Video Recordings (400+ included)
- 10 Keys To Compassion Study Course
- Buy Now!
- All Calls, Sessions and Resources in Silver Plus the Following:
- Video Archive
- Two (2) Monthly Private One-on-Ones with DrBeth
- Unlimited Email/messenger/text Access to Dr beth (response within 72 hours or sooner)
- One 911 call Quarterly (This call can be used outside scheduled times)
- Access to Special Live Events
- Buy Now!
- All Calls, Sessions and Resources in Silver & Gold Plus the Following:
- Entire Own Your Story Program
- Two(2) Monthly Private One-on-Ones
- Access to Special Live Events (Lifetime Access)
- Unlimited Email/Messenger/Text Access to Teenologist Team (response within 24 hours)
- Monthly 911 Sessions Call with DrBeth
- Monthly Parenting Hero Support Group Call
- Quarterly Parenting Hero Trainer Group Call
- Monthly Teen Power Trainer Group Call
- Annual Parenting Parent Teen Mix-It-Up Event
- Parenting Accountability Buddy (optional)
- Buy Now!
Program Features
Private Jumpstart Session:
One-on-One with Teenologist
Overview of the program
Assess your current patterns and predicted growth outcomes
Identify your ideal parent/teen/family relationship
Ask anything you question about yourself and your child to gain confidence, clarity, and direction to get and stay on the right path with your family.
Teenology Monthly Support Program:
New content, training and resources from DrBeth
New connections and support from other parents
Power Parenting Weekly Calls:
Includes teenology training, parent education and a chance to ask any question to get input and support from other parents in similar situation
Resources and tools for parents and teens confidence
Crisis prevention and in-the-moment feedback for challenging parent/child/teen situations
Open Q&A after each training is not recorded
Weekly Audio Training Program Exercises:
52-week course
Understand DrBeth’s 10 Keys to Compassionate Parenting tools and resources
Parent/teen tips, exercises, activities and opportunities to practice family fun
Power parenting and safe teen-expression by learning how to embrace YOUR defiance first
Access to Engage With an Exclusive Private Power Parenting Forum Group:
Safe group to feel seen, heard and appreciated by other parents
Feel supported, encouraged, and uplifted
Get double dog dared to be the greatest grandest version of yourself and your ideal family experience
Exclusive Online Membership Site Access:
Recorded trainings added monthly
Includes video trainings
Parent Teen Inspirational Motivational Entertainment
10 Keys to Compassionate Parenting 2.5-hour audio overview with workbook ($197.00 value)
10 Keys to Compassionate Parenting Self-Study course – a one year course of past power parent recordings, workbook, and Powerpoint Presentations. ($997.00 value)
Parent/teen assessment questionnaires
Powerpoint Parenting checklist to assess your connection with your teen
All calls, sessions and resources from Silver, plus the following:
Bridge the Gap Program (GOLD):
Two (2) Monthly Private One-on-Ones with Teenologist:
15 minutes each
Pre-Scheduled with DrBeth’s private calendar
Talk about anything you want to discuss with anyone you want to bring to your call time on Zoom/FaceTime/Skype/Phone
Unlimited Email/messenger/text Access to Teenologist within 24- 48 hours or sooner
One 911 call Monthly or Quarterly (This call can be used outside scheduled times)
Live Events (2):
Own Your Own Story Transformational Tool and Event
Unlock, break destructive generational patterns for you and your child
Greatest Strength Behavioral and Motivational Assessment for each Family member and Training Event
All family members with training on how to implement the different personality profiles and styles as well as information on their own personality profile
All calls, sessions and resources from Silver & Gold, plus the following:
Parenting Hero Support Group Call:
Monthly, 8-10 people per group
Special call with parents committed to going on the journey with you and your teen
Parent mastermind with structure, support, accountability, fun and connection
Parenting Hero Trainer Group Call:
Quarterly, live with Dr Beth
Train the trainer parent coach mentorship In the beginning DrBeth will be on all calls Teen Power Support Group Call 1/month 8-10 per group call led by DrBeth or a trained power parent hero/or teen hero
Experience Leadership skills, camaraderie, accountability, life visioning, support and follow through
Teen Power Trainer Group Call:
Quarterly, live with Dr Beth
Train the Trainer Next World Leadership Calls
In the beginning DrBeth will be on all the calls
Program Session Topics
Explore Session Topics
If you are here, you may be looking for some private one-on-one time with me to cover challenging situations, and or leadership training for kids is something your seeking. Explore the topics below.
Child Empowerment Leadership
Many times parents view their children as Mrs. and Mr. “Bossy Pants”…their defiance is over the top and is triggering big feelings for everyone. What I tell parents is to look for what is really going on…
Child and Family Dynamics
This is where I introduce and educate you to your Inner Family Chart. You will learn how the different behaviors and emotional developmental stages interact with each other in functional and catastrophic ways.
I will give you the tools to cut you some slack so you can cut your children some slack so that everyone gets to be the best they can be exactly where they are in this moment. This is a critical piece that most families enjoy the organization and new communication language so that the healing actually begins.
This is where stories of horror become next life transformation.
• Personalities (i.e Shy, Aggressive, Normal etc)
• Family rules
• Family Routines
• Family Household organization
• Family Communication styles Family Crisis and Confrontation
Public School Support and Consultation
School’s picking on you? Bring Dr. Beth to the next meeting and have her advocate on you and your child’s behalf.
• Academia
• School Friends (should they be friends, what to look for to stay clear of trouble)
• Testing
• Gifted program
• Bullies
• Warning Signs
• Risk Management
• School Safety
• Public, Private, Charter, Home – what are you options?
Crisis Intervention and Support
Crisis Intervention and Support Stress
• Overwhelm
• Peer Pressure
• Sex
• Alcohol
• Drugs
• Academic Pressure
Teenagers face these challenges almost every day. And because they do, so do their parents.
In order to be able to handle these and other difficult issues, teens and parents need the proper tools, support and information
• Suicide Prevention
• Hurting self (Cutting etc)
• Hurting others
• Physical emotional , psychological problems
• Legal (Jail, Taking the kids away, etc)
• Illness
• Death
• Divorce
• Relocation
• New President
Disabilities Counseling
Children with disabilities can be a new challenge for parents at every stage of a child and or aging parents development. Special needs are required in most cases and are specific depending on the disability.
As a Licensed clinical psychologist, Dr. Beth is able to help families sort out how to best handle a variety of situations for enriching relationships through compassionate parenting and communication. By the way the compassion starts FIRST with the parents and all their big feelings.
Re-parenting / Own Your Story / Recovery
Many times our adult selves are stuck holding onto something that has happened to us in the past.
We may have been told how to behave and what to believe by people who may not have been fully enlightened or maybe raised by a parent or care taker that in today’s standards would be interacting with Child Protective Services.
Some of the old messaging on how we are to behave has shown up in our lives in various good and bad ways. Sometimes we need to look back at how we were shaped and make sure we still want to “Own Our Current Life Story”.
Another option is to “Re-Parent” our inner young family so we can begin to make healthier conscious choices, better habits, and experience stronger positive relationships.
Did you know that we all deserve self care and decadence in our lives? And if you don’t you will be dependent on your child to meet your needs. And for some of us…having a place to communicate our big feelings leads us from recovery to transformed lives. How good can you stand it?
• Adult children of Alcholics
• Anger management
• Sexual abuse
• Physical abuse
• Drug abuse
• Abandonment
• Stuck
• Depression
• Food addiction
• Disorders
• Any negative story that is no longer working for you and your family
Dr Beth's Inner Teen and Family Adventures
Sometimes the best way a family can build healthier relationships is through family vacations and play time.
Dr Beth’s Adventures provide families with fun and different ways of interacting, understanding, planning, and implementing the vacations of your dreams no your costly nightmares. Learn how to have fun!!!
Relationship Conflict and Divorce Care
Dr. Beth helps individuals make healthier choices in their relationships. Are all parts of your inner psyche on board with the new relationship.
Do you find yourself in the same pattern and wherever you go there you are back in the same relationship?
Divorce care can be before, during, or after and then before you blend your family with another family. Many complications and many ways to actually avoid the pitfalls so that everyone and I mean everyone gets to win.
Are you willing to let your ex-spouse be happy so that you get to have bliss in your life too? Sometimes we are still married with divorce papers… just saying. : )
Child Advocate Coaching
What do you do if your child or teen seems like they are emotionally or physically overreacting to a normal life circumstance?
Most parents try to “fix” or “change” the child into being more compliant, collaborative or to become a chameleon to others needs.
If the child does not learn to speak up and be there own advocate, they will be easily manipulated, controlled, and micromanaged by others.
Talking You Off The Ledge Parent Coaching
This is the help when I’m losing it as a parent – “WHAT DO I DO NOW” to get back in my power and confidence?
VIP Day Packages
Meet all day in your home, on a family outing, taking an adventure, or meeting with your extended family, you can even invite your friends –
A day you will never forget. Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Family Individual Assessments Assess and Highlight the greatest grandest version of yourself Plan what you want to live yourself, your partner, and your family into – manifest the life of your dreams with follow-up accountability.
Half Day $3,997 Full Day $7,500 Three Days $17,000.00