Do your children jump when you say how HIGH? No? Really? I’m shocked –

It’s only your child!! lol : )

I can’t believe your teens don’t run their dishes to the sink….

Do you think your expectations are a little bit too high? No – I totally agree. AND I have a playful way to take the significance, earth shattering consequences, and serious drama out of the family witching hour.

Tongue in cheek. Total Playful Loving Sarcasm (might sound like an oxymoron. : ) This is one of the answers to getting your dishes washed… How you might ask? Well let me count the ways…

  1. What have you tried that has worked – do that again! And again only if YOU are having fun and feel connected and in a relationship with your child. If not, some crazy things other parents have tried and actually worked….
  2. Get rid of all of the dishes and switch into paper plates.
  3. Put the dirty dishes in your child’s room – This one seems a bit extreme AND it worked for one parent. Use this one at your own RISK – total disclaimer on my part.
  4. One plate and silverware set per person and each one keeps in their room
  5. Start when they are really young and turn it into a family game
  6. Let it totally go and see if the children and spouse have a messy mess limit
  7. When the children and everyone can’t find a clean dish – ask everyone if you help clean it up would everyone be willing to
  8. Clean it up to sparkle one time!!! Take a photo Then go on strike and let them experience destruction and photo capture – Then ask everyone which version they would like to live into as a family from now on. Get their buy in!!!