Power Parenting Super Tip!

Would you like the DrBeth 911 on temper tantrums?

1st and foremost let’s look at the basic physical needs – is your child hungry? When your child needs food to function – the first thing to fall apart is going to be their emotional reguating system. This is a simple and quick fix of course if you have food at your disposal. However, many of us get caught out in our busy hectic lives without the basics. This is a clue that you may not be taking care of yourself either. This can be a total disaster when Momma adult has left the building. LOL : ) The fix is to the best of your ability, ALWAYS have something in your purse or car to ease the insulin drop for both of you. Warning – sugar has a quick upkick but a really hard fall. Better to go with a protein. May not lift as fast but will sustain longer.

2nd place to look is tired and sleepy. Have you been going and going and going on your agenda? Has your child had a turn to have your attention, have ME time, and also have they been over stimulated and need a quiet time and space rest to go within and self regulate and self soothe. If not, TAG you are it and all of their needs will be meet by YOU!!! How fun for you. NOT : )

Good news is 5 min of kid’s rules up front or a power nap can make your life golden. (See Blog Kid’s rules for more details.)

3rd possibility is emotional outburst and anger may be due to hurt feelings, frustration, or fear. They may have heard something you said and made it mean of course – I am not loved, I’m not a good girl, I’m too much, I’m not enough and the list goes on and on. (See own your story examples). Or They may be frustrated because their body is not able to do what their mind is seeing and thinking. Imagine have a beautiful picture in your mind and never being taught to paint and your only form of communication is a painting. Or imagine you understand all the words but you can’t get your mouth to say what you intend to communicate. That is why especially little boys learning to talk express so much anger when they can’t tell you what they want to communicate. And finally, if I’m scared to death and have no way to tell you what I’m afraid of, the only way I can communicate is to express a full out panic attack – which by the way looks like a spoiled temper tantrum.